Butterfield PTA
If you’ve already joined the PTA this year, thank you! We appreciate your support. If not, this is everything you need to start supporting the great programs at Butterfield School.
Butterfield PTA is always looking for new members!
To join, fill out the membership form and send it back to school with the appropriate fees. Place the completed form and fee payment into an envelope addressed to PTA Membership and send it to school in your child’s folder.
Meeting Dates
September 1 | October 6 | November 3 | December 1 | January 5 | February 2 | March 2 | April 6 | May 4
Ways to Stay Informed
Attend PTA meetings. All PTA meetings will be held at Butterfield School. Meetings are typically held on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 6pm in the Butterfield Library. Please check our online calendar for the latest up to date information. All members are welcome. We talk about upcoming events, fundraising, and ways to support our teachers, staff, and students.
Watch for emails from the PTA/School-these emails will include information about PTA events and volunteer opportunities.
Check your child’s folder for fliers about PTA events. To save paper, these will often be sent home with the youngest or only child in each family.
PTA Board
President - Amanda Murawski
Vice President - Katie Gierhahn
Secretary - Kimberly Piper
Treasurer - Melanie Fencl

Venmo Information

Committees and Volunteer Opportunities


PTA Form - Expense Voucher
Have Questions, Concerns or Need Additional Information? Contact Us at: